วันพุธที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Inside classroom learning log 3

Date: 17/06/2013

          Today, we are going to learned about presentation technique teaching such as; Web based learning, Communicative language teaching (CLT), Pronunciation teaching, Vocabulary teaching, Culture teaching.

          Web based instruction is teaching and learning supported by the attributes and resources of the internet and person has defined tree kind 0f WBI as Stand-Alone courses is a one way communication. Web Supported Courses is two way communication for students and teacher. Web Pedagogical Resources is a super storage web that contain everything.

          Communicative language teaching is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of study. CLT Should to fun for both teacher and student enabling students to communicate successfully is also very rewarding.

          Pronunciation Teaching is been taught with a goal of “speaking like a native speaker” but this is not practical. There are two way key problems such as; it tends to be neglected and it is not neglected that has arisen in the classroom rather than being strategically planned.

          Vocabulary teaching is knowing a word is not an all-or-nothing proposition; it is not the case that one either knows or does not know a word. Rather knowledge of a word should be viewed in terms of the extent or degree of knowledge that people can process.

          Culture Teaching is teaching about culture or belief of the each country. Such as; greeting foods dresses and festivals.

          However, for five methods can improve students to understand the lesson. If teacher can adept five methods for students that methods are efficiency.

          Conclusion, I think if teacher use five methods correctly, it can improve the skill language English to better. So the English teaching technique are very important for everyone so I must to know about English teaching technique a lot to advice to the future.

